Created on January 13, 2019, initially by geocachers Lordep, Kelkim Team, Pocoyo&TuchaT and RuiASP, with the purpose of bringing friends together for a Geocaching weekend with games, hikes, challenges and above all VERY GOOD CONVIVIATION.
The first moment of Geocaching carried out was still in 2019 with the GO Oeiras event on 06/29/2019 with several activities including a walk in the Parque Desportivo do Jamor, an Orienteering Game in the Parque dos Poetas and a night walk on the Passeio Marítimo de Oeiras, we finished with a CITO event, lunch and cake.
The years 2020 and 2021 ran where it was impossible to create events due to the scourge of Covid-19.
Having overcome these obstacles, in 2023 we created a new project “Wonderful Sintra 2024”, with a renewed team including geocachers Jocasife, Lordep, pedro.almerindo, Pocoyo&TuchaT, RuiASP, vitor65 and Travelling Chef.